Success Story: Lower Waste and Shorter Time as a Result ...
Success Story: Lower Waste and Shorter Time as a Result ...
Huaw Lon produces even more efficiently with shorter time and lower cost & waste as a result ...
Industry: Weaving Factory
Based in: Taipei, Taiwan
Products Utilized: LUTAN v5.0 / LUTAN v3.6 (Single-end Warping Machine)

We are excited to share CCI success stories about what our customers have accomplished.  In the first issue, we would like to introduce how LUTAN has greatly increased our customer's productivity, resulting in less manpower and material.  Huaw Lon is one of the major fabric suppliers and manufacturers in Taiwan.  Now they can just wake up the next day and find the warp beam being already finished due to the noticeable transformation in their manufacturing process.

We hope the 'Succes Story' to give you more real practical applications with CCI's solutions.

> Read more about CCI 'Succes Story' (Aug 2018 / Issue 1)